Wednesday, November 4, 2009

[you know where to find me]

my autumn looks like this...

my master teacher, a fiery little redhead whom i love.
fun halloween costumes.
newfound addiction to salads and baked goods.
wearing boots, pretty much every day.
eating in n out with the davis family.
being able to sleep 8 hours a night.
student teaching about 40ish amazing 5th graders.
michael jackson's "this is it." <----go see it.
dj'ing middle school dances.
soaking in views of san francisco as much as possible.

if you're wondering where i am...i've been right here, all along :)


Lauren said...

Miss you.
And also, if I were a middle schooler...I would think you were the coolest DJ EVER :))))

kelly ann said...

i really miss you, pumpkin. <3