Sunday, October 5, 2008


Summer and Gaby’s List of Best Christian-Help Books

  1. No-Nonsense Dating: Maximize Your Confidence and Recognize Your God-Given Soul Mate by Dr. Ronn Elmore

In the word review of T.D. Jakes, a well-respected Texan minister, “One of America’s foremost experts on love…Oprah’s got Dr. Phil; we’ve got Dr. Ronn!”

“Are you ready to meet the love of your life?... Finding—or being found by—your just-right mate calls for preparation and participation.”

  1. What To Do Until Love Finds You by Michelle Mckinney-Hammond

“When the man of your dreams comes, will he recognize you? Have you acquired the character traits, attributes, and skills he’ll be attracted to?”

Because in the end, your mate’s opinion is the only one that really matters.

  1. Raising Unselfish Children in a Self-Absorbed World by Jill Rigby

By the author of Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World.

We promise that two words were changed in the making of this book.

  1. I Promise: How 5 Commitments Determine the Destiny of Your Marriage by Dr. Gary Smalley


1. I Promise To Conform My Beliefs To Your Beliefs

2. I Promise To Be Filled With Patience As We Look For Parking At Disneyland

3. I Promise To Find My Mother-in-Law’s Best For Our Lives

4. I Promise To Listen and Communicate with All Of Dr. Phil’s Books

5. I Promise To Serve You Dinner

Pinky swear.

  1. Sin Boldly: A Field Guide for Grace by Cathleen Falsani

A Few Select Chapter Names:

Wet Skunk

Bear Repellant

Some People Are Like Chickens

  1. Single, Saved, and Having Sex by Ty Adams

One of these things does not belong…

  1. Safe People: How To Find Relationships That Are Good For You and Avoid Those That Aren’t by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

With such page-turning seduction as “unsafe people,” “Do I attract unsafe people?” and “safe people.” Because if someone isn’t fitting your needs to make you better, they’re probably not in God’s plan. Comes complete with Purell, seatbelts, and fire extinguisher.

Remember: don’t take risks.

3. The Man Whisperer by Rick Johnson, author of That’s My Son

You’d think we would have thought up sassy puns on the movie/novel, The Horse Whisperer. Nope. This book does it on its own.

“Single women often lament that all the good men are already taken. Is this true? Maybe. But just maybe all those men they admire who are taken are good, in part, because of the positive influence of their wives and girlfriends in their lives.”

Men: inherently evil. Women: the final solution.

2.The Family You’ve Always Wanted: 5 Ways You Can Make It Happen by Gary Chapman


1. Families Who Don’t Fight in Public

2. Husbands and Wives Who Aren’t Related

3. Parents Who Discipline and Carpool

4. Children Who Deserve Good Christmas Presents

5. Husbands Who Coach Soccer on the Weekends, and the Wives Who Bring Snacks

1. Deliver Us From Me-ville: Population 1 by David A. Zimmerman

This isn’t a real place. We know, we looked it up.

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