Friday, December 4, 2009

[bad day]

If I've ever doubted my awesomeness, it was yesterday.

I wish that the students in my class understand what it's like
to be in front of them, trying to help them with their fraction math work,
and they are being disrespectful.

I wish my supervisor hadn't totally bailed,
and now I have to teach another lesson in the next few days.

I wish I could see that they are just children,
and that I should let the small stuff go.

"I hope by Tuesday I'll be able to shake the feeling
that this was a complete disaster."
--me in an email to my master teacher

1 comment:

kelly ann said...

aaaww, pumpkin.
i hope things get better.
and i wish i could give you a hug right now.
i love you <3

ps. that book = childhood favorite, so awesome. i still have it on my bookshelf.