Monday, February 23, 2009

[the oscars recap]

Best Way Of Avoiding Singing A Song About The Holocaust:
Hugh Jackman's weird little song about "The Reader" in the opening.
It was stinkin' hilarious.

Funniest Award Presentation:
Tina Fey and Steve Martin.
"Don't fall in love with me."

I Feel Bad They Didn't Win More Awards...
Not even a nomination for Art Direction??? Did you SEE the movie??

Most Random Song and Dance Performance That I Adored:
The tribute to Movie Musicals.
Can't help it, I love movie musicals. Accuse it of killing the art form, I don't care.

Best Creative Presentation of the Night:
Tie between "Romance 2008" and "Animation 2008".
I loved that they used "Lovers in Japan" by Coldplay for the Romance clips, and it was extremely well-edited.
But I love Wall-E. Just do.

WTHeck Dress:
Jessica Biel.

Cutest Moment Ever At The Oscars:
"Dad, can you just whistle or something?" -Kate Winslet
The ultimate reminder that stars are people just like us.
And I just adore her--love the dress, love the speech, love everything.

Silliest Clip...That Was Still Clever:
The "Pineapple Express" guys reviewing the year's movies.
Who laughs at "The Reader"?

Why Is Everyone Saying He Looks So Great?
Mickey Rourke.
I think he doesn't look so good...and he has a silver tooth.

Classy, Precious Acceptance Speech:
Heath's family for "Best Supporting Actor".
Modest and still so sad.

I'll Have What Danny Boyle Is Having:
Had to steal that line from MSN Movies...
Because every single time "Slumdog Millionaire" won, he just looked so excited and shocked!
It was awesome.

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