Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[vote now]

When I start to rationalize voting for McCain in my head, I almost hear myself several months ago, saying "Bush is SUCKING in office. A Republican has no chance, even if they put the Pope in the race."

We were living in a world where Obama was the It, the One who was going to save the U.S.A., and hereby save the world. He was new, he was not white, and he was a Democrat.

The reveal of Palin as McCain's choice for Vice Presidential pick is one of the smartest moves I've seen a political party make in years. This shows that they are listening to who is going to vote in this upcoming election: women. My mother is a faithful voter, going down to the elementary school each election, while my father is usually running late and tries to get there in time. Soccer/hockey/baseball moms will one day rule the world, and Palin is representative of that Palin has made the Republican ticket stronger.

Sure, each party has its flaws, and this election is revealing them in paramount form. I know Palin's an outsider, and McCain is down in the polls, as well as reaching into his senior citizen years.

America is coming into a desparate time. It will be a time to buckle down, get things in line. McCain calls himself "a fighter", and says that if elected, he and Palin will jump into leadership.

Honestly, I don't care who you vote for.
Register to vote. Fill out your absentee ballot. Make decisions. Care about America.
Just vote. America longs to hear the voices of a generation who cares who gets behind the wheel, and doesn't just "keep waitin' on the world to change".

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